the pier.jpg

The Pier

Standing at the end of the pier,
I can just step off
And disappear
Suddenly it all becomes clear,
As clear as the sea,
That passes beneath me,
A single tear,
Kamikazeing into the water,
No longer there,
Gone forever in this moment,
Never to return,
Me leaving everyone behind,
The open wounds,
The deep scars left under their skin,
Like the root of an exposed nerve,
As I lean over,
My innocent child reflection,
Saves me from myself,
Never knowing what their fate would be.
The power to rewrite my destiny.
To make that child happy,
As an adult,
Life is the juiciest fruit there is.
There for the picking.
Not the taking.
I am born again.
The divine wind,
Put back into my sails.
Steering me away from the harsh rocks,
Never to peer over the edge again.

- Andrew Horner